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القلائد الفضية

فيما يلي مجموعة جميلة لبعض من قلائدنا الشهيرة المصنعة من الفضة الخالصة والمزخرفة جميعًا بأجود أنواع الكهرمان
Valentines heart pendant in cognac amber and gold
Valentines heart pendant in cherry amber and gold
Rock Affair pendant by Kitt Annika Danielsen in milky amber
Rock Affair pendant by Kitt Annika Danielsen in cognac amber
Rock Affair pendant by Kitt Annika Danielsen in Cherry amber
Rock Affair pendant by Kitt Annika Danielsen in Aurora green amber
Precious Moon pendant in cognac amber
Precious Moon pendant in cognac amber
Precious Moon pendant in Aurora Green amber
Precious Moon pendant in Aurora Green amber
Our Selection pendant in cognac amber, diamonds and gold
Our Selection pendant in cognac amber, diamonds and gold
Our Selection pendant in cherry amber
Our Selection pendant in cherry amber
Mother & Me pendant in milky amber and enamel
Mother & Me pendant in milky amber
Mother & Me pendant in cognac and cherry amber and enamel
Mother & Me pendant in cognac and cherry amber
Mother & Me kids pendant in milky amber and enamel
Mother & Me kids pendant in milky amber
Mother & Me kids pendant in cognac and cherry amber and enamel
Mother & Me kids pendant in cognac and cherry amber
Lucky Spider pendant in cognac amber
Lucky 8 anniversary pendant in aurora green amber and enamel
Love in Paris pendant in cognac amber with diamonds
Love in Paris pendant in cherry amber with diamonds
Look of London pendant in milky amber with diamonds
Look of London pendant in cognac amber with diamonds
Look of London pendant in cherry amber with diamonds
Infinity pendant in cognac amber and gold
Infinity pendant in cognac amber and gold
Harmony pendant in milky amber and silver
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