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Blossom Bee pendant in cherry and cognac amber and enamel
Blossom Bee pendant in milky amber and enamel
Blossom Butterfly pendant in milky amber and enamel
Blossom Butterfly Pendant in milky amber and enamel
Blossom Dragonfly pendant in cognac amber and enamel
Blossom Dragonfly pendant in milky amber and enamel
Blossom pendant in aurora green amber and enamel
Blossom pendant in cherry amber and enamel
Blossom pendant in milky amber and enamel
Bygone Garden pendant in Aurora Green Amber and green enamel
Bygone Garden pendant in cherry amber and orange enamel
Bygone Garden pendant in cognac amber and orange enamel
Bygone Garden pendant in milky amber and orange enamel
Classic Selection pendant in Aurora green amber
Classic Selection pendant in Baltic green amber
Classic Selection pendant in Baltic green amber
Classic Selection pendant in Baltic green amber
Classic Selection pendant in cherry amber
Classic Selection pendant in cherry amber
Classic Selection pendant in cherry amber
Classic Selection pendant in cherry amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber
Classic Selection pendant in cognac amber